Letters / Info

Head of the UGCC – Thank you to all

Глава УГКЦ – Я дякую всім вам

Church and post virus

Спосіб молитви

допомогою – Західній Україні

Flooding in Ukraine

Глава УГКЦ під час телемарафону – Україна за сім’ю


Metropolitan Borys Gudziak about the first year of ministry

Митрополит Борис Ґудзяк про перший рік служіння- «Ми спільно шукаємо

Head of the UGCC= Myroslav Skoryk was able to hear the Ukrainian soul

His Beatitude Sviatoslav – May Love of God

Блаженніший Святослав – Нехай любов до Бога

The Head of the UGCC – Family is First

Глава УГКЦ під час телемарафону – Україна за сім’ю

Coronavirus – Radical Call of God to People

Десять думок про любов

Глава УГКЦ – Молитва подяки

Mothers Day Wish

Mothers Day Prayers (Eng & Ukr)

Mothers Day Prayers & Novena Schedule

Pope’s Prayers to Our Lady for May (english & ukrainian)

Pope at Audience= True peacemakers always seek reconciliation

Папа – Христос – джерело справжнього миру

April 19, 2020 – Thomas Sunday

Easter Card – April 2020

Prayer In Time of Coronavirus

Holy Week Instructions

2020 Easter Letter – English

2020 Easter Letter – Ukrainian

Easter Message

Easter Message (Ukr)

Pastoral letter of his Beatitude Sviatoslav to youth on Palm Sunday

Today, the risen Christ passes through all closed quarantine doors, in order to encounter us, his disciples, from the Easter message of the Head of the UGCC

Need to Know – Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter (Eng)

Need to Know – Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter (Ukr)

Some information you may need at this time


Typica Service (when Divine Liturgy is not available)

Letter from Fr. Daniel (precautions)

Bishops appeal – Coronavirus – COVID19

Bishops appeal – Coronavirus – COVID19 (Ukr)

Memorandum From Bishops regarding COVID-19

Memorandum From Bishops regarding COVID-19 (Ukr)

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